It results due to electrical instability in the brain which causes to affect the behavior of the person. It is characterized by recurrent seizure. It may be from laps of attention, muscular jerks, severe and prolonged convulsion
It may be acquired from parents, traumatic brain injuries, stroke, tumor and cerebrovascular diseases. Having a seizure may not be always a case of epilepsy. It may be due to long standing head injuries whereas epileptic seizure are always caused by irregular electrical activities in the brain.
As regards sign and symptom it may have confusion, staring moments, stiffness of muscles, jerking of hands and feet, may have spells of unconsciousness. An epileptic patient will have most the time same type of seizure at every attack. Clinically seizure are either Focal or Generalized. When activity is confined to one area of brain, is termed as Focal seizure. In Generalized seizure all area of brain is involved.
Ahmed Homoeo Clinic has treated several cases of Epilepsy in adults and children successfully. Try with confidence to become better and better till cured